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Wetlands and Community - World Wetlands Day! Gwlyptiroedd a Chymuned!


This is a guest blog by Cwmbach Community Wetlands and Cynon Taf Tenant Linda Brock. Cwmbach Wetlands are situated in Aberdare between the communities of Aberdare, Cwmbach

and Aberaman. In this blog Linda highlights the importance of Wetlands for planet, nature and the health and wellbeing of local communities. The blog also features photos and viewpoints from local people and tenants who frequent the beautiful area better known as Cwmbach Wetlands.


Gwlyptiroedd a Chymuned

Mae gwlyptiroedd y DU yn ecosystemau unigryw sy'n cadw dŵr croyw, gan ddarparu ystod eang o fuddion ecolegol, cymdeithasol ac economaidd. Mae 40% o fywyd gwyllt y byd yn dibynnu ar gynefinoedd gwlyptir ar gyfer bwydo, bridio neu warchodaeth, ac mae angen gwlyptiroedd ar ddegfed o rywogaethau'r DU i oroesi.  Yn anffodus, rydym wedi colli 90% o'n gwlyptiroedd, gan arwain at ddirywiad dinistriol o 80-90% mewn rhai rhywogaethau dros y 50 mlynedd diwethaf.

Mae gwlyptiroedd yn lecynnau cyfoethog o ran bioamrywiaeth ac maen nhw'n  creu cynefin arbenigol sy'n cefnogi ystod amrywiol o blanhigion, infertebratau, mamaliaid ac adar, o rywogaethau cyffredin fel mulfrain, creyr glas, glas y dorlan a'r dyfrgi i Adar y Bwn prin sydd mewn perygl, y Gylfinir a llygod pengrwn y dŵr . Maent hefyd yn gweithredu fel mannau hanfodol wrth i fywyd gwyllt fudo a chynefinoedd i lawer o rywogaethau yn ystod gwahanol gyfnodau eu cylchoedd bywyd, gan hwyluso symudiad a goroesiad poblogaethau amrywiol.

Ond nid cynefinoedd i fywyd gwyllt yn unig yw gwlyptiroedd. Maent hefyd yn gweithredu fel hidlwyr dŵr naturiol sy'n gwella ansawdd dŵr trwy ddal gwaddodion a llygryddion a lleihau lefelau nitrogen a ffosfforws. Mae'r swyddogaeth puro hon yn hanfodol ar gyfer cynnal iechyd ecosystemau dyfrol a'r cyflenwadau dŵr yr ydym yn dibynnu arnynt.

Mae gwlyptiroedd hefyd yn chwarae rôl allweddol wrth reoli llifogydd a rheoleiddio dŵr. Maent yn gweithredu fel sbyngau, yn amsugno dŵr gormodol yn ystod cyfnodau o law trwm a'i ryddhau'n araf yn ystod cyfnodau sych. Mae hyn yn helpu i leihau'r risg o lifogydd i lawr yr afon ac yn cyfrannu at gynnal llif dŵr cytbwys mewn afonydd a chyrff dŵr eraill. Maent yn storio llawer iawn o garbon, gan helpu i liniaru newid yn yr hinsawdd trwy weithredu fel sinciau carbon. Pan fydd gwlyptiroedd yn cael eu draenio neu eu diraddio, gellir rhyddhau'r carbon sydd wedi'i storio i'r atmosffer fel nwyon tŷ gwydr. Felly, mae gwarchod ac adfer gwlyptiroedd yn hanfodol ar gyfer dal carbon a lleihau effaith newid yn yr hinsawdd.

Mae gwlyptiroedd iach hefyd yn cyfrannu at ein lles. Gall dreulio awr yn profi golygfeydd a synau natur wneud gwahaniaeth gwirioneddol i'n hiechyd, boed hynny trwy wrando ar gân y telor Cetti neu su'r gwenyn neu weld fflach o liw wrth i las y dorlan hedfan heibio neu wylio'r elyrch yn gleidio ar hyd y dŵr.

Mae gwlyptiroedd yn cynnig cyfleoedd addysgol gwerthfawr, gan weithredu fel ystafelloedd dosbarth awyr agored i fyfyrwyr ddysgu am ecoleg, bioleg a gwyddor amgylcheddol.

Mae angen i ni ddiogelu'r cynefinoedd hardd ac unigryw hyn er lles cenedlaethau'r dyfodol a gwarchod rhywogaethau sydd mewn perygl.

Mae ein gwlyptiroedd yn werthfawr...mae'n hanfodol ein bod ni'n eu trysori nhw.

Wetlands and Community

UK wetlands are unique ecosystems that retain freshwater, providing a wide range of ecological, social, and economic benefits. Incredibly 40% of the world’s wildlife rely on wetland habitats for feeding, breeding, or protection and a tenth of UK species need wetlands to survive.  Sadly, we have lost 90% of our wetlands, leading to a devastating decline in some species of 80-90% over the last 50 years.

Wetlands are biodiversity hotspots creating a specialist habitat that supports a diverse range of plants, invertebrates, mammals, and birds, from common species such as cormorants, grey heron,  kingfisher and otter to the rare and endangered Bittern, Curlew and water vole. They also serve as crucial stepping stones for wildlife migration and essential habitats for many species during different stages of their life cycles, facilitating the movement and survival of diverse populations.

But wetlands are not just habitats for wildlife they also act as natural water filters improving water quality by trapping sediments and pollutants and reducing levels of nitrogen and phosphorous. This purification function is vital for maintaining the health of both aquatic ecosystems and the water supplies that we depend on.


Wetlands also play a key role in flood control and water regulation. They act as sponges, absorbing excess water during periods of heavy rainfall and releasing it slowly during dry periods. This helps to reduce the risk of flooding downstream and contributes to maintaining a balanced water flow in rivers and other water bodies.

They store large amounts of carbon, helping to mitigate climate change by acting as carbon sinks. When wetlands are drained or degraded, the stored carbon can be released into the atmosphere as greenhouse gases. Conserving and restoring wetlands is therefore, essential for carbon sequestration and reducing the impact of climate change.

Healthy wetlands also contribute to our wellbeing, spending an hour experiencing the sights and sounds of nature whether it’s the song of the Cetti’s warbler, the buzzing of bees, the flash of a kingfisher or the elegant gliding of the swans can really make a difference to our health.

Wetlands offer valuable educational opportunities, serving as outdoor classrooms for students to learn about ecology, biology, and environmental science. We need to protect these beautiful, unique habitats for the sake of future generations and the preservation of endangered species.

Our wetlands are precious... we really should treasure them!

Here is what local people had to say about Cwmbach Wetlands and what it meant to them:

'The Wetlands Mean a great deal to me, my husband and I have walked there for more than twenty years, always loved the beauty and wildlife, have walked all my grandchildren there.'

'A sanctuary for my mental health and wellbeing' 'They offer peace and quiet and a little nature that is accessible.'

The Wetlands are a piece of natural beauty that should be preserved at all costs, their addition to the community is priceless.

'It's a lifeline.' 'A lovely place to be in Nature' 'Serenity' 'A place to meet people'

'Its a local beauty spot which brings me tranquillity and a positive sense of being. Beautiful place, close to nature and beautiful wildlife. Privileged to have it on doorstep.'

'It is an important part of the natural landscape that supports a lot of wildlife.'

'It means my children can see the importance of wildlife on our own doorsteps.'

'A beautiful conservation area for nature. A relaxing but very important area to enjoy wildlife and countryside within walking distance.'

'It’s an interesting area of natural beauty where you can see new life forming during the seasons and very important for the animals and birds that habitat it.




Down To Zero Ltd

Cynon Taf Community Housing Group
Unit 4, Navigation Park, Abercynon, Mountain Ash, CF45 4SN
Phone: 0345 2602633 ~ Fax: 0345 2602634
Get directions to our offices


We are striving to be an equal opportunities organisation | Rydym yn ymdrechu i fod yn sefydliad cyfle cyfartal

Down to Zero Ltd is registered with the FCA, No. RS008927 

CTCHG is registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 with Charitable Status No. 30399R | Cofrestrwyd dan Ddeddf Buddion Cydweithredol 2014 gyda statws elusenol Rhif. 30399R | Registered with the Welsh Government No L145 | Cofrestredig â Llywodraeth Cynuliad Cymru Rhif. L145Privacy Notice for Tenants

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